Winter Essentials:  Merino

Winter Essentials: Merino

An exciting aspect of our newest merino designs is a mix and match approach to garment type, neckline and sleeve variation. We’ve modified a classic block to offer four styles – cardigan, dress, tunic and top. Each comes with neckline and sleeve variations, including the on-trend trumpet sleeve. So now you can create bespoke merino garments that really do the job. 



What makes merino marvellous?

Merino wool is a highly resilient textile; it’s also supremely comfortable to wear. When knitted into a fabric, the fibres trap heat very efficiently. Weight for weight, merino is much warmer than a synthetic fabric. At the same time it’s breathable, so that moisture between your skin and the garment can escape. Anybody who’s worn merino while hiking will also tell you that it’s not inclined to get whiffy. 

Another thing that makes merino the best textile for winter knits is its ability to be washed in a machine. Just use the hand wash cycle with a medium spin speed.

All the colours of the corporate rainbow

We can offer you a choice of two merino weights and more than 7 colours. In addition to our new styles, we have a core range that includes a longline open cardigan, long sleeve pleat detail top and wrap cardigan, just to mention a few. To start planning some new merino additions to your uniform, call us on +64 9 299 6984 or send a message.

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